OUR PHONE NUMBER: +44 7555 160725 for Russian/English, +44 7931 437 677 – for Polish/English
Hello! Привіт! Добрый день! Witham!

If you want to become a Licenced Taxi/UBER/Minicab Driver or a Licenced Private Hire Driver (PHV), you are at the right place! We will help you to get your PCO Licence the best way!
We will make your dreams come true!

Якщо ви бажаєте стати ліцензійним водієм таксі /UBER/ Minicab, або приватним водієм, то ви знаходитесь на правильному шляху. Ми допоможемо здійснити ваші мрії.

Если вы хотите стать лицензированным водителем такси/UBER/Minicab или частным лицензированным водителем, то вы находитесь в нужном месте в нужное время!
Мы воплотим ваши мечты в жизнь!

Jezeli chcesz zostac licencjonowanym kierowca taksowki albo pracowac dla Ubera to znalazles sie w odpowiednim miejscu. My pomozemy Tobie w zdobyciu PCO Licencje.
Twoje marzenia zrealizuja sie!

We are the only company in UK which teaches in Russian and Polish!
We will be with you from the beginning of your journey to become a licenced professional driver till the end, or longer if you need us!

Ми єдина компанія в Англії, котра проводить навчання на російській і польські мові. Ми будемо з вами на протязі всього шляху, від початку до кінця, ви станете ліцензійним професійним водієм!

Мы единственная компания в Англии, которая проводит обучение на русском и польском!
Мы будем с Вами на протяжении всего путешествия от начала и до конца, и вы станете профессиональным лицензированным водителем!

My jestesmy jedyna firma w UK ktora naucza w jezyku rosyjskim I polskim!
My bedziemy z Wami od poczatku Waszej drogi aby zostac licencjonowanym profesionalnym kierowca!

Future Minicab, UBER, and Private Hire Drivers!

Our company provides an effective training and knowledge of your Topographical Skills (we have a computer-based Route Planning Program very similar to the one you will use at TfL Exam) and A-Z Master Atlas of Greater London , SERU assessment test (Safety, Equality and Regulatory Understanding), and English B1 (Speaking and Listening Assessment), so you can pass all TFL exams successfully and get your PCO Licence (Private Hire Drivers Licence).

We will teach you with all care and attention to the details.

We will help you with TFL application and DBS check.

You can have 1 FREE Mock Test for checking your topographical skills and SERU knowledge, and much more…

Let’s speak about your future job opportunities, your earning potentials and how we can help you to achieve your dream to become a professional driver by getting The PCO Licence.

Your job opportunities are incredible:

- You can become a minicab driver, or UBER/BOLT driver, with the earning potential up to £1,500 per week.

- You can become chauffeur for wealthy individuals or companies making up to £2,000 per week

- You can be on the way to become a black cab driver with earning potential over £ 2,500 per week

- Possessing your PCO Licence could open the door for you to many other professional driving careers which could take you around the UK

- You become your own boss and you make the decision when you are working and when you enjoy your private time

Book your training by sending us an email at

[email protected]

or by calling

Natalie at 07555160725 (for English and Russian speakers)

Krystyna at 07931437677 (for English and Polish speakers)

See you soon! До зустрічі! До скорой встречи! Dowidzenia!

 BON-BON VOYAGE Ltd. trading as

Crown House,

60 North Circular Road, London, NW10 7PN

Suite N 409 


Super teachers, super school, super prices, super free first mock exam. The best organised school that I came across. I tried two others. They were useless. Computer based program is amazing and teachers helped me to sort out many problems with TfL. One cannot ask for better service. Thank you everyone from PCO Training For Drivers School.

Mariana Matseliukh - Tower Hamlets

I want to thank everyone from this teaching centre. Now, I am a licenced, professional driver. I am making £1,500 per week, working for Bolt and Uber. Those people changed my life. I am doing what I love, and I am free when I want. I cannot ask for more. Every pound I spent here was worth it. Especially FREE MOCK TEST.

Vitalii Shevchuk - Chelsea

There is no other teaching school like this one. I tried a few other schools where I was left alone in front of the computer to manage my lesson by myself spending 3 hours there, I got only 15 minutes of attention. However, I was treated differently here. Lessons were almost on one-to-one bases with continuous supervision. I passed my exams!!! Do not look for other school. The prices are good as well. You will love it and you will get the results.

Sergiu Maidan - London

I passed my TfL Exams from the first time. I was prepared with care and attention by extremely dedicated teaching staff. All necessary computer programs and materials were supplied. This is a great teaching centre with very helpful and friendly teachers. I highly recommend it.

Yevhen Paslavskyy - London